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File Extension NUMBERS

NUMBERS file extension is used to store files in Apple Numbers office application file format. Apple Numbers is a free application from Apple used to create and edit spreadsheets.

File Extension MUI

MUI, or multilingual user interface files are language resource files used by Windows operating systems as of version 2000 and above, and allow the interface to display different languages. While files with the MUI extension are usually associated with the Windows interface, they can also be created by Open GL tools.

File Extension KEY

KEY file extension is used to store files in Apple Numbers office application file format. Apple Numbers is a free application from Apple used to create and edit spreadsheets.

File Extension GPX

GPX is the standard file extension for the exchange and storage of map and route data on GPS devices, smartphones and computers.

File Extension DXF

A file with DXF extension (acronym for Drawing Exchange Format) is a file format for CAD design drawings that belongs to the AutoCAD program group, and is used to save the drawings created by those programs. This type of files allows interoperability between the DWG files, proprietary file format of the AutoCAD program, and the rest of the programs on the market, proprietary or license free.

File Extension STEP

A STEP file is used to store 3D models formatted in an ISO 10303-21 standard for the purpose of the exchange of 3D product data. It contains three-dimensional data in a format that can be recognized by various programs.

File Extension STP

A file with an STP extension contains the 3D object project that meets the standards of the STEP format (Standard for exchanging product data). STP files are similar to STEP files in terms of structure and format, STEP is just less used.

File Extension CSV

CSV file extension is used by files in comma separated values format. CSV files typically contain table information. First line of CSV file usually contains a table header and other lines contain table rows with data. Each line in CSV file consists of text strings delimited by commas. Each text string can contain any symbols except of the comma. If comma needs to be used inside the string, then string should be enclosed in quotes.

File Extension ZIP

ZIP file extension is used for archive files compressed with DEFLATE algorithm of lossless compression.

File Extension EPS

EPS file extension is used to store information in Encapsulated Postscript format. Encapsulated Postscript is a subset of Postscript language which is used to deliver commands and information to the printer. EPS files are used to store and exchange graphic content.

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I think therefore I am. - Descartes -
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